Prior to preparing and submitting this ESR, the user should carefully read the instructions, and associated IDOT policy (BDE Manual Chapter 27 & Local Roads Manual Chapter 20).

Submittal of the ESR initiates the Phase I environmental survey process, which takes a minimum of 6 months to complete. Results of the environmental surveys must be completed in advance of the desired construction letting.

All fields must be completed unless the information is unavailable at the time of submittal or not applicable to the project. If the District and Requesting Entity fields are filled out incorrectly, the ESR will not be submitted to the appropriate person.

- -
B. REASON(S) FOR SUBMITTAL: (Check all that apply; includes Special Waste Level 1 Screening Criteria)

Survey Types: B = Biological; C = Cultural; SW = Special Waste

(ensure these checked boxes match with those above)
C. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: [255 character limit. If needed, use "Addl. Info" Memo to expand on this description.]


If the Special Waste box is checked in Section B above based on the type of work involved with the project, then Level 1 special waste screening fails and a PESA is required. Submitting this ESR initiates the PESA process. Optionally, you may proceed with a Level 2 special waste screening.

According to IDOT Policy, "due care" must be performed to determine whether regulated substances may be present on or adjoining a project. A PESA is IDOT's chosen initial and minimum method of demonstrating "due care". Thus, a PESA is required on every project where the Special Waste box is checked.

There are some select scenarios where the need for a PESA can be avoided and "due care" demonstrated based on the successful performance and documentation of a Level II Screening. The Level II Screening criteria have been carefully constructed and apply in project situations that are likely to pose minimal risk. If any response to Level 2 Screening questions in 2A below is "yes" or is undetermined, then a PESA is required.

Industrial and/or commercial property 0.25 miles
Other Environmental Conditions
(Please detail below.)1
Property & adjoining property
Crosses or otherwise involves railroad ROW
(Please detail below.)2
Property & adjoining property
State UST Property & adjoining property  
State LUST  0.5 miles  
State Voluntary Cleanup, Brownfield, or landfills 0.5 miles  
Federal NPL; NPL delisted, SEMS; SEMS NFRAP 1.0 miles; 0.5 miles; 0.5 miles; 0.5 miles, respectively  
Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities; RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities 1.0 miles; 0.5 miles, respectively  
Federal RCRA generators list  Property & adjoining property  
Federal RCRA Brownfield sites 0.5 miles  
Federal ERNS System  Property  

1 Other Environmental Conditions are identified through in-person site reconnaissance and include situations that may negatively affect the property including the presence of, for example, illegal dumping, unknown containers, waste associated with “crack” or methamphetamine houses (i.e., discarded hazardous material on the outside of a property), battery piles, paint spills, abandoned transformers, surface staining, vegetative damage, etc. Historic land uses that include any of these activities also qualify.

2 Crosses or otherwise involves railroad ROW, other than a single rail rural ROW with no maintenance facilities.

To identify a property or condition that may negatively affect the project site or potential historical, industrial and/or commercial use, the following sources of information can be helpful while screening the project.

  Google - type aerial maps Extranet data Historic Aerial Photos Survey Books Other Files & Photos
  City Directories County Assessor Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Plat Books  
  Other source (describe):

If any historical reference indicates the possible presence of a property or condition that may negatively affect the project site, then a PESA is required.

If all responses for database and site reconnaissance are conclusively “No”, then the Level II screening is successful and the District Special Waste Coordinator may sign-off the project. Ensure the “Special Waste” box in Section A is checked.

For local roads projects, the local public agency (LPA) shall complete the Level 2 Screening form for portions of the project affecting State right-of-way. The District Special Waste Coordinator must confirm the screening results and shall replace the LPA information in the sign-off box with their own information prior to submittal to BDE.

The Level II District Sign-off is valid for up to six months. After that, the District Sign-Off must be validated for the project to achieve design approval and ultimately cleared for letting. If any response for database search and site reconnaissance is “Yes”, or if a database search or site reconnaissance is not performed or is inconclusive, then a PESA is required. See BDE Manual 27-3 for additional instructions.